Build a R.A.C.E.’s report with Google Data Studio

Build a R.A.C.E.’s report with Google Data Studio
April 27, 2017 François-Xavier Cuissot


Google Analytics is an insanely powerful tool but when it comes to data presentation in a meeting with stakeholders or on a live screen in your open space, your GA dashboards are not enough.

Data Visualisation is a growing important part of your Marketing Technology Stack for communicating & optimizing data, like the R.A.C.E. framework helps with a weekly or monthly review measuring the current effectiveness of your digital marketing with relevant KPIs for measuring Reach, Actions, Conversion, and Engagement; why not getting the best of both worlds?

Thanks to Google Data Studio‘s recent announcement about “link sharing with anyone”, I can now share with you the R.A.C.E dashboard I have built for this website. Here is what and how to get it.


This R.A.C.E. Google Data Studio Dashboard includes the following KPIs:

– Reach: Sessions chart, Users, Organic searches, Number of sessions per users.

– Act: Total events chart, Goal conversion rate, Page per session, Bounce Rate.

– Convert: Orders completed chart, Orders value, Order conversion rate, Value per session.

– Engage: User type chart, Social networks conversion rate, Social referers.

What you need in order to use this Google Data report properly:

– Google Analytics on your website:

– Created Google Analytics Goals:

– Created Google Analytics Events:

– Signed in with your account on Google Data Studio:


  1. Follow this Google Data Studio link
  2. Select File > Make a copy
  3. Create new report > Select New Data Source from your GA account > Create report
  4. Enjoy 🙂
  5. Share with your colleagues & stakeholders

Check out Google Data Studio RACE report

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